Oregano, papaya leaves, ajwain, laung, cloves for dengue, malaria, antibiotic, antimicrobial

By Madhurie Singh, October 25, 2010

I have been reading a lot about dengue, malaria and natural treatment for these mosquito related diseases. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for dengue. Malaria can be treated by quinine, but dengue has none. But have found that papaya leaves and oregano leaves ( ajwain leaves) boiled in water and taken frequently, kills the microbes of dengue and malaria and any other stomach related germs. Though all these must be taken along with prescribed medicines. I have found boiled water with laung (cloves) and ajwain( seeds of oregano plant) are very good remedy for kids as small as 6 months. Both ajwain and cloves are  antibiotics and anti microbial and kill unwanted microbes. So in a normal conditions when the kids are not sick, it is good practice to boil these two ingredients in water and give them once a fortnight.

Also since oregano leaves and papaya leaves are great for recovery from dengue, its good that on and off kids are administered these as dengue and malaria are hard to detect. Malaria is detected only when blood sample is taken from the patient who is shivering at that point, as that is the time the microbes are found in the blood. We all go to doctors only when we are sick or ill. We also should visit them to learn from them, how to prevent diseases and make a healthy lifestyle. Prevention is always cheaper, easier and shorter than cure . 🙂

Oregano, papaya leaves, ajwain, laung, cloves for dengue, malaria, antibiotic, antimicrobial http://t.co/fGIxD9s

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