Table to help Rank the best school for your child

By Madhurie Singh, November 16, 2013

This is the table that made when I was searching for the best possible school for my own children. The factors that are most important to me are mentioned on the first column.

Under the “Factors column”, you have to write down all the factors that you look for in any school. Write the most important one in the first cell of the Factor column. Then the second most important factor below it and so on.

The column “Priorities” should have the highest number for the first priority. Here I have written 10 points against my Gut feeling based on my child. Write down for each factor a number.

In the third and fourth column write down the name of the school you want to assess.

Read my reviews of the schools in tabular fashion and check out the points for each factor and write it down under each school.

In the fifth and sixth columns you will write the Rank of school 1 and school 2 respectively. These are the product of the number you gave to each factor and the point you wrote to each school for that factor.

Add all the points for one school in one column and compare with the sum of the points for all other schools.

The school that gets the maximum point is the school that you must consider.



Priorities DPS Vibgyor DPS Rank Vibgyor Rank
Total Points of each school  208 239
Gut feeling based on my child  1 0 5 5 50 50
Review from expert  9 4 5 36 45
Social climate  8 3 5 24 40
Curriculum  7 4 5 28 35
Teachers  6 4 5 24 30
Fee  5 4 1 20 5
Distance  4 3 1 12 4
Students attitude  3 3 5 9 15
Principal  2 4 5 2 10
Activities  1 3 5 3 5
Word of mouth 
Brand Name 

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